Isekai Hell
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Posts : 21
Join date : 2024-04-23

Isekai Hell: Rules Empty Isekai Hell: Rules

Thu May 02, 2024 8:35 pm
| Characters | Glossary (doc) | Gods | Lore | Marketplace | OOC | Races/Skills (doc) |
| RP List | Rules (doc) | Titles (doc) |

Here, you will learn all you need to know to participate in the Isekai Hell rp world and tell your very own Isekai story. If you have any questions or believe rules are missing, please contact [USER=93653]@Novama[/USER]. As time passes, we may revisit the rules to make additional rules, clarifications, or otherwise change things. You will be informed when that happens. Do not feel compelled to memorize all the information at once. It will remain here for you to browse at your leisure.

Isekai Hell: Rules 32091ada-a783-4e94-bf4d-899d4b36f2a3Rules
They are fairly common and already known to most RPers. Here is a list for new and old RPers alike as some will be specific to Isekai Hell.

  1. Please message  Novama or Mods with any questions or problems you have with the RP or its members.
  2. Let people know if you can't post for a while or if you are dropping the RP.
  3. Please mention or contact those you posted at so they know you are waiting on their reply.
  4. The site (rpnation) doesn't allow X-rated content so keep your smut out of Isekai Hell RPs. Romance is allowed however.

Role Play
  1. Have an approved character sheet in the character thread for Isekai Hell before participating in any Isekai Hell RPs.
  2. You may only have one character of yours (minions and companions aside) in any one RP.
  3. Post in 3rd person
  4. Post at least a few sentences. (what is the character doing, what are they saying, has the scene changed any)
  5. Any roleplay that is not finished and checked in for grading is not considered world canon/lore.
  6. The same character cannot participate in more than one RP at a time (exception to the rule: World RPs allow simultaneous participation)
  7. NPC Companions are to be controlled by whoever the mod or narrator is for any given Isekai Hell RP.
  8. You may post as frequently as you wish as long as they are not back to back. (In situations where timing matters like combat, this rule may be different)
  9. Any pvp to the death is generally discouraged, but pvp is allowed so long as there is a 3rd party arbiter like a mod to oversee things (unless the outcome is already agreed upon between combatants).
  10. Changes to character should be done between RPs and not during. However, changes may be permitted if the mod or narrator is contacted in advance of the change for permission.
  11. If a player is absent without word or post for a week, they will be assumed missing from the thread until they return. In 1v1 RPs, this means the RP is done and should be cashed in for partial rewards. For group RPs of 3 or more, it will be up to the remaining group to continue or not and how they wish to do so.
  12. All characters must have a weak point/core. A piece of the character that represents who and what they are and if damaged or destroyed , would destroy them.

World RPs
  1. The mods are the only ones that move time in RP. (specific to World RPs. outside of world RPs, assume any passage of time is prior to current events for the world)
  2. Do not auto-hit or auto-succeed at combat or tasks in RP. Combat and skill based outcomes are decided by Mod
  3. Creating NPCs in World RPs is prohibited.
  4. Posts longer than a couple paragraphs must have a summary section that captures the main points of the post in a concise way.
Posts : 21
Join date : 2024-04-23

Isekai Hell: Rules Empty Re: Isekai Hell: Rules

Thu May 02, 2024 8:42 pm
First thing's first: Let's create your body. You will copy the code here as it is and post it (filled in) in the character thread for approval. You will want the character approved before you start posting with it. Additional rules and lists for filling out the skeleton will be found further down. Feel free to 'pretty up' the skeleton if you wish, but ensure all information is still present and clearly readable. Characters are assumed to be generally human level in capability with one or two distinguishing features about their character at start. If you feel that is too restrictive, understand that through roleplay and effort, most characters can reach world renown levels of ability and influence. We strongly believe in having characters going through a journey that develops themselves as well as their power and that they don't just have everything given to them right from the start.

[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Character Name
(images preferred, word descriptions allowed)[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
[B]Theme:[/B] (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
[B]Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency:[/B] (give a general idea of how often you plan to post with this character)
[B]Discord Name:[/B] (if you use discord and prefer it as a way of communication. otherwise put N/A. ex: Name#1234)
[B]Current RP: [/B] (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
[B]Goals:[/B] (list short or long term goals you have for the character with a minimum of one goal.)
[B]Equipped Titles:[/B] (1 racial required at minimum. Criminal titles may not be unequipped once acquired until certain conditions are met.)
[B]Height:[/B] (feet inches preferred, metric allowed)
[B]Weight:[/B] (lbs preferred, metric allowed)
[spoiler="Backstory"][B]Backstory:[/B] (this is the stuff that happened to your character prior to appearing in this world. Maybe you forgot. maybe you don't want to remember. maybe there was nothing and you are a native of this world)[/SPOILER]
[spoiler="Current Life"][B]Current Life:[/B] (this is where you can describe your current living situation. Perhaps you isekaied into a nice family. Maybe you are an orphan or mercenary with nothing. You are not allowed to be in a family with wealth or peerage to nobility. Such things must be earned first and rp'd into being in most cases.)[/SPOILER]
[B]Acquired Titles:[/B] (all titles the character has including the ones equipped and not equipped)
[B]Points at Start:[/B] 105
[B]Points Earned:[/B] 0
[B]Points Spent:[/B] 0 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
[B]Points Not Spent: [/B] 0
[spoiler="Stats"][B]Stats:[/B] (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
[INDENT][B]Strength - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Precision - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Intelligence - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Vitality - F[/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT][B]Speed - F[/B][/INDENT]
[spoiler="Skills"][B]Skills:[/B] (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
[*]Skill Name F
[*]Skill Name F
[spoiler="Abilities"][B]Abilities:[/B] (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
[*]Super Awesome Ability Name - Skill 1 F, Skill 2 E, Skill 3 F - Causes super awesome stuff to happen - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
[*]Super Awesome Ability Name - Skill 1 F, Skill 2 E, Skill 3 F - Causes super awesome stuff to happen - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
[spoiler="Possessions"][B]Equipment: [/B](Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
[*]Example Sweet Sword F
[*]Example Rockin Armor E
[*]Example Shock Shield D - Shocks whatever strikes its surface
[B]Items:[/B] (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
[*]Example Whetstone
[*]Example Bedroll
[*]Example Fire Starter Kit
[*]Example Rations
[*]Example Waterskin
[B]Assets:[/B] (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
[*]Example Dumpy Cottage
[*]Example Old Donkey
[spoiler="Change Log"][B]Change Log:[/B] (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
[*]Link to Isekai Hell Rise of the TiddlyWinks - +8 points and acquired Title Hero of Garden Temple (11/1/2021)
[*]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F and the violin that comes with the skill. (12/1/2021)
[*]Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo. (1/1/2022)
[*]Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts. (2/1/2022)

Having Multiple Characters

Aside from certain skill selections, it is possible to create and play multiple characters. In order to get an additional character approved, you must first show that you can effectively keep up with your current characters. This means prior characters are all actively in RPs and not being waited on by the groups of those RPs. If characters become boring, unplayable, or the RPer can't keep up, it may be best to scoop the character or retire it altogether. It will be restated that multiple characters belonging to the same RPer may not participate in the same RP at the same time.

Isekai Hell: Rules Art-raku-kaki-source-request-guys-wallpaper
Posts : 21
Join date : 2024-04-23

Isekai Hell: Rules Empty Re: Isekai Hell: Rules

Thu May 02, 2024 8:46 pm
Already mentioned and listed in the character skeleton, Stats are perhaps the foundation of the Isekai Hell System. It is through Stats that the characters can unlock skills, which have their own significance to the system, but more importantly, they help give us a sense of what to expect from the characters in various areas and situations of roleplay. The following explains what the individual stats mean and also how they can be improved over the course of your character's adventures.

Strength: general muscle power. Influences effectiveness of melee and thrown weapon abilities and attacks.

Precision: general fine movement control of one's body like balance and moving quietly. Influences effectiveness of ranged weapons like bows and quasi firearms.

Intelligence: a catch all for knowledge, memory and magical prowess. May also reflect mental fortitude in the face of persuasive forces.

Vitality: your body's life force as well as the ability to withstand hardship of varying kinds. Necessary for heavier armor.

Speed: general quickness and agility. Dodging and covering ground. Necessary for light armors and magical protections.

Stat Upgrade
To upgrade a stat, the character will need to invest 7 points into the stat to move it up 1 Grade.
  • Ex: Bob has F grade strength.
    He would like it to become E grade strength.
    Bob takes 7 of his available points and lists them as spent on his character sheet.
    He then edits strength to be an E grade stat.

Each letter upgrade for stats with the exception of S Grade requires 7 points.
S grade stats require characters to undergo a special RP called a tribulation first. Tribulations are per Stat and only accessible after a character has raised a stat to A grade. Tribulations are difficult challenge based RPs that abide by world RP rules described below. Only attempt them after adequate preparation. Characters that clear them will be given bonus rewards, titles fitting for their victory, and the right to upgrade to S. Characters that fail are generally maimed or killed. When a stat is raised to S, related skills may then be raised to S as well.

As mentioned previously, each Grade in a stat requires 7 additional points than the last with the exception of S Grade which has additional requirements. This means the following table would apply if one were to take a stat from F to something higher than E in one go:
  • H grants 14 points
  • G grants 7 points
  • F costs 0 points
  • E costs 7 points
  • D costs 14 points
  • C costs 21 points
  • B costs 28 points
  • A costs 35 points

Points may only be invested in increments of 7. You can hold onto your extra points and save them.

Character Grade
This stat is not listed but it is one you may need to calculate from time to time. It is the average of the other 5 stats and increases with every 5 stat upgrades. It is a loose measurement of the character's "muchness" like Charisma. Some skills and titles rely on this stat. It is not uncommon for characters to be better in some areas than others.

Formula to Calculate
  • Strength S - 6 upgrades
    Precision A - 5 upgrades
    Intelligence B - 4 upgrades
    Vitality C - 3 upgrades
    Speed D - 2 upgrades
    20 upgrades ⁒ 5 stats = +4 character grade = F -> (+4) -> B Character Grade

Grades of Power
What is the power scale, you ask? I'll explain that here. All creatures and items of significance have a Grade associated with them or an aspect of them. The higher the Grade, the more one can expect from the Graded thing's performance. The Grades are detailed below.

Isekai Hell: Rules ZvEbCbsAyMh-aFmLTxKMDcUSAyHHSxVgugw93Orf5mCHlanPfK-6r0swCaPI3duqtdBYL2vbGxQzlsdZODra5rnb-kiWWzfhBymJihMbkjanPMSY1l_R4Z90_4JSXyNv-o9OuwuYg38_Tb7iAHz5d-QH (-2) - this grade is reserved for the smallest of creatures. A character's capabilities with this stat are not even worth mentioning other than to say they have enough to survive. Typically a creature with this stat is on their deathbed, tiny in size, or a form of limited life that does not need a full range of functionality in order to persist.

G (-1) - this grade is generally reserved for children, small characters, and the injured. Your ability with this stat has not yet reached maturity or you may be physically limited to a certain capacity.

F (+1) - this grade is at the bottom of the stack. generally equated to base levels of human adult functionality. They have no extra training or experiences to make elements of the character with this grade anything special. As it pertains to skills, F is still lowest on the ladder, but it does imply your character has a grasp of some basic high level concepts pertaining to the subject matter. Example: random trivia scraped together from documentaries on tv, wikipedia articles, and common sense like don't point the pokey sword at your face.

E (+2) - this grade represents someone or something in training. It has acquired some of the knowledge or guidance necessary to start growing in this path of knowledge or ability. An E rank character/creature may be represented by trainee soldiers, apprentices, acolytes, bandits.

D (+3) - this grade represents someone fully trained. Their teachers, masters, and learning materials have been mostly exhausted of their usefulness. The student is still lacking in experience however and generally begins traveling or performing more tasks independently. Common D rank entities may be Barons, new merchants such as peddlers, soldiers, town guard, mages graduated from academy but yet to find employment.

C (+4) - this grade represents a veteran in their area of expertise, profession, or abilities. They have experienced and overcame hardship. They have taught themselves things and started creating their own style of doing things. Any humanoid that could be called a veteran likely has a skill/ability/or profession at this grade. Monsters of C grade tend to be leaders of their packs/herds/groups. Ex: boss goblin of group of goblins. Captain of the guards. Squad leaders. Mage leading a research party.

B (+5) - this grade represents the elites in their area of expertise. They were the veterans that refused to retire. They were the greats that refused to settle on 'good enough'. They were the ones that continued to hone their skills while others plateaued and gave up. There are mere 100s of B grade creatures and humanoids in the world compared to the millions that have yet to know or do anything. These individuals are like special forces.

A (+6) - this grade is the peak of humanity. They are similar to Olympic athletes able to compete at a global level with only a handful of peers in the world. Your prowess and knowledge are known on a global scale. you are the best in your areas of excellence and study. Your peers are all known to you and could likely be counted on your fingers.

S (+7) - the last grade and one without a limit. They have reached the realm of the supernatural. Some or all of one's humanity has been lost. Many sacrifices, time and effort and perhaps a bit of luck was put in to get this far. They can do and achieve things beyond the scope possible for humans. Think something along the lines of heroes like Hercules and Sampson among other demigod type entities.
Posts : 21
Join date : 2024-04-23

Isekai Hell: Rules Empty Re: Isekai Hell: Rules

Thu May 02, 2024 8:52 pm
Items and equipment are important to most creatures in the world. They allow people to accomplish various tasks and overcome many hardships that would be difficult or impossible with their bare hands. Mechanically, Items and Equipment have an additional purpose: the character's equipment, specifically, enables the character to perform at their best. A character's strength cannot be properly utilized without an equivalent weapon or item to channel it. Same could be said about Tools associated with skills. A carpenter without a saw will likely have a hard time completing their task.

Isekai Hell: Rules FFTZJYMIToQwQ0X1MQXvGzVpdmTqT6rACJGQVGmCmpjtz3Vv2qpvhpB4k9rtK2fQDxNOzcsuhZHnfv-e_ljoYiNjsTV-hdXSRWav2dqwaMUs4OQDeVTVcDSIugoKr1iFl07Wnae5Ec5kutJ8AohQKBs

Weapon Grades

Like stats, a character's equipment has grades. The grades are the same as stats. The points required to upgrade or purchase higher grade weapons are also the same as the stats table. Additionally, it is possible to have an A-grade iron sword and a D-grade steel sword. With a couple exceptions, the grade of the weapon or armor is mainly based on the durability of the weapon. A well-crafted iron blade may outperform a shoddy and worn steel blade.

Exceptions to the above would be related to Equipment made of Orichalcum or Mythril. S-grade gear is only possible when made with one of these 2 materials. S-grade equipment is generally presumed to be the stuff of legend. A legendary material produced by a legendary craftsman to be used for a legendary purpose.

Orichalcum - a material that can only be mined from the earth with exceptionally skilled miners and/or magic users. Supposedly the material would be impossible to exist without mana present. It can be forged into the hardest material currently known to the world and is virtually impossible to break. Typically a greenish color, armaments made from it that aren't painted come out shining like emeralds. The hardness of the material coupled with its relationship with mana allows weapons made of Orichalcum to cut through practically any other material.

Mythril - the other material considered to be capable of reaching S-grade quality. It is said to be a metal infused with magic and able to take on and exude various magical properties. Magical weapons like the blazing flametongue, a sword wreathed in fire and able to send out sprays of flame with each swing, would be an example of weapons made with mythril.

Item Restrictions and Requirements

Save for something magical, items can generally be picked up by anyone. Steve with D strength can carry an A-grade sword if he wants (during a roleplay). The problem comes when a character tries to use an item they do not have the underlying stats to properly use.
  • Example: If Steve tries to use that A-grade sword, he may find he does not have the raw ability or skill to properly wield the blade. What this means mechanically is that when Steve swings his blade, he will, at best, get an E-grade quality cut/attack/ability.

It should also be noted that wearing or using items of a lesser grade than what you are capable of will prevent the character from performing at their best and at worst could destroy/damage the items.
  • Example: Steve has grade C strength. He has decided to keep using his E-grade sword for the next RP mission. During the mission, he needed to leverage all his strength and ability to handle the scenario as it was presented. After the attack, the narrator of the RP decided Steve would have likely damaged or broken his sword due to it not being sturdy enough to tolerate the abuse Steve put it through. Steve will now need to find an artisan or some other means of repairing his weapon in roleplay or wait until the end of the RP to get it fixed.

Buying Items

As previously mentioned, items share grades and costs similar to stats. Characters may not buy equipment of grades they do not have the stats to handle. When buying armor, be sure to state Light OR Heavy for the type of armor it is. That will dictate the stat needed and stat used for determining character Health/HP. Reference the following list for pricing:

Weapon/Armor/Magic Catalyst (prices are doubled if made with Mythril or Orichalcum)
  • F - 7 points to purchase - E-grade Associated Stat
  • E - 14 points to purchase - 7 points to upgrade F item - D-grade Associated Stat
  • D - 21 points to purchase - 7 points to upgrade E item - C-grade Associated Stat
  • C - 28 points to purchase - 7 points to upgrade D item - B-grade Associated Stat
  • B - 35 points to purchase - 7 points to upgrade C item - A-grade Associated Stat
  • A - 42 points to purchase - 7 points to upgrade B item - S-grade Associated Stat
  • S - ??? points to purchase - ??? points to upgrade A item - S-grade Associated Stat

Natural Weapons (Claws, teeth, spikes, fists, feet, etc...natural body parts used offensively)
Purchase enables full use of the creature's body to attack as appropriate. Orichalcum grade is possible but it does not make the character unkillable or uninjurable.
  • F - 14 points to purchase - E-grade Strength
  • E - 28 points to purchase - 14 points to upgrade F item - D-grade Strength
  • D - 42 points to purchase - 14 points to upgrade E item - C-grade Strength
  • C - 56 points to purchase - 14 points to upgrade D item - B-grade Strength
  • B - 70 points to purchase - 14 points to upgrade C item - A-grade Strength
  • A - 84 points to purchase - 14 points to upgrade B item - S-grade Strength
  • S - ??? points to purchase - ??? points to upgrade A item - S-grade Strength

Common Weapon Types
  • Swords
  • Bows
  • Crossbows
  • Polearms
  • Staves
  • Guns
  • Cannons
  • Clubs
  • Short blades (daggers)
  • Needles
  • Curved blades (sickles)
  • Sling
  • Hammers
  • Natural weapons
  • Picks
  • Forks
  • Other

Tools are generally associated with skills that make a character proficient in their use and acquired when a character acquires the skill to use them. While such items might be gathered without the skill and without point use, they would be of little to no use to an unskilled character. Tools might be considered to have grades like combat related items, but generally the upgrades and purchases of higher quality tools comes with the price of acquiring higher grades in a craftsman's skills.

General use items like food, hygiene, money for inn stay, etc... are not counted by the system. It is assumed that you will roleplay your character in a way sensible to their titles. The street urchin isn't going to stay at a grand resort inn. A noble will not be found in a squalor generally.

Magic Items

Magic items are items that bestow the user with additional power in some way. Generally they mechanically grant the wielder of the item extra skills or abilities to make use of. Such items can be created but there is a limit to the number of such items a character can carry at one time. Mundane Catalysts do not count as magic items. The following list shows the limit per character grade:
  • F - unable to use magical items/equipment
  • E - 1 item
  • D - 2 items
  • C - 3 items
  • B - 4 items
  • A - 5 items
  • S - ???


Armor items could be just about anything used to defend a person. Typically worn, armor comes in 2 varieties: Heavy and Light. In IH, shields do not count as armor but as a strength based weapon that can be used for offense or defense.
  • Heavy armor uses Vitality stat as a requirement for purchase and upgrades. Heavy is primarily used for tanking attacks. It is typically larger, heavier, more encompassing, and/or made for intentionally taking hits.

  • Light armor uses Speed stat as a requirement for purchase and upgrades. Light is primarily used for evading attacks by offering just enough protection to turn potential injuries into glancing blows. It is typically less covering, lighter, and/or made for taking hits as a last case scenario.

Isekai Hell: Rules ZYpr3gP2THxTj_0w9uT227euGQ3Zdn0ggmp81OMCDwKurc62NiLWE1YFwUJj4J_onCHTR--5GZodYRdkKcB4QjOSkTkKOdNM2rwEZnIZZoh16OZ5LZj0TqDSQ-WqKpgStSUtW-AaGyvwjGlVGjSslQ8Crafting/Trading

Some characters may acquire the skills and the means to craft items. What can they make and what does it cost? While the crafting skills will be explained more in the skill list, for the purposes of crafting, it should be understood that a F-grade crafting skill allows for the crafting of F-grade items that rely on that craft for free. A crafter may not craft an item for themselves or others that the intended wielder does not have the stats to use. It is possible for a crafting character to sell his services to other players' characters. All transactions must be public access (IH Marketplace) and linked to by both characters' change logs.
  • Example: F-grade Blacksmith can craft F-grade metal based weapons for free. Mithril and Orichalcum items of F-grade will cost the blacksmith 7 points to craft after a 7 point deduction from their artisan skill.

Isekai Hell: Rules NBCFndLRff5bzE2RBJabCSCNNhRTd9MIeqZg8nBaNeECXkScdwMsbn-gNqQ9odbCtGQjyylUH_RqW4DzWkZVuM0E_HIHbMCOBmAU1UhBuWE5XiMBA-oWs-wFiP9ebUPmVk6fM6g3jIs8b5gfaX9NBPcAssets

Items acquired through roleplay are generally allowed through equipped titles. For example, a character that is a merchant may wish to acquire some sort of beast of burden. They would equip their merchant title and run an RP where they do something to acquire a pack mule for transporting their peddler goods. Beginning characters generally have little to no right or reason for acquiring assets. Grow your character, acquire skills and abilities. Earn your titles. Then roleplay acquiring the stuff you want. There are skills that can bypass some of these requirements.

Another way to gain a certain type of asset is through harvesting in roleplay. During a roleplay, characters with the appropriate skills may harvest/gather resources like plants and pelts among other items. During grading, such items become an asset assuming the characters properly earned them and had the standing and skills to do so. These special assets may then be traded in for other free items or artisan reductions on more advanced items/assets.
  • Example 1: Bob has the logging skill. He runs an RP where his character goes into the forest and cuts down some trees to harvest wood for a house he wishes to make. The RP is graded and Bob is granted lumber as a resource. Bob then exchanges the E-grade quality lumber asset for a nice E-grade country home asset in the woods.

  • Example 2: Tim has the survival skill. He runs an RP where his character hunts wolves. He has his character skin some wolves and during RP grading, Tim's character is granted D-grade wolf pelt assets. He then exchanges the asset for cool and custom wolf themed leather armor D-grade.

Material Grades

Sometimes a narrator or you will likely want to know loosely how various materials rank in the world. It should be noted, weapons made of a certain material are not of a higher or lesser grade due to the material it is made of. But, if you see a stone wall or a wooden hut, you can loosely come to a consensus with your narrator by referring to the following table. The list is not a complete one for every material in the world, but does list the most common types of materials for most items. Not listed items can be approximately placed by referencing the ones already given a grade:
  • F - Wood - Effectiveness Rating: 3
  • E - Stone - Effectiveness Rating: 6
  • D - Bronze- Effectiveness Rating: 9
  • C - Iron- Effectiveness Rating: 12
  • B - Steel- Effectiveness Rating: 15
  • A - Scarletite- Effectiveness Rating: 18
  • S - Mithril, Orichalcum- Effectiveness Rating: 21


This is the way to imbue items with skills and abilities.

  1. Acquire a mithril item
  2. Determine how many enchantment cores an item has:

  • F - 1 F-grade core
  • E - 2 E-grade cores
  • D - 3 D-grade cores
  • C - 4 C-grade cores
  • B - 5 B-grade cores

  1. Pay the purchase and upgrade price of skills as listed in the skills section to put them in slots. Skills' grades may not exceed the grade of enchantment core.
  2. In the event you have cores with room left over because the skills put into them are not greater in grade than the core, you may pay to fill the remaining space with lower grade skills.

1. Enchanted items count as magic items and count against magic item limitation per character.
2. A single skill may not be split between 2 or more enchantment cores.
3. An item is fully enchanted when all cores are filled up to their grade in one or more enchantments. It may not be enchanted anymore until the item is upgraded.
4. Enchanted items may not have their enchantments removed, but the skills may be upgraded if the core housing them has the room for the upgrade.
5. Enchanted items are treated as separate entities. This means the skills put on them only apply to the item and not the user of the item. Ex: regen on an item means the item will repair itself if damaged, not that it will heal the wielder of the item.
6. Enchanted gear loses skills and skill grades whenever an enchanted item is damaged in combat. Each grade lost on an enchanted item removes an entire enchantment core and reduces all remaining cores by a grade which can weaken or remove remaining skills.

Shard Shocking

Those with the enchanter skill may create abilities to disrupt enchantment core shards on enchanted mithril items. The effect lasts until user's next post. The action would function as an attack against one mithril equipment. The ability is not effective against mithril enchantments the user has made themselves.

Shard Shattering

Enchanters may perform the service of removing enchantment shards from items they have not enchanted. Enchanter must be a pc and not a companion,minion, or npc character. For marketplace transactions, enchanter must charge a minimum of 1pt per grade of Shard or shards being removed. Users may not use their own characters to remove their own enchantments. Shard shattering takes a considerable amount of time and delicate work. It is not possible during combat and might not be suitable for every rp even when not in combat.

Isekai Hell: Rules -Fl_DXRbX3J7OGmi9cwoF0QhNDNJaYujjGICt_XzSLzQRyoJE-0bdKUSOZxsJSY8OEnu3ulMAvZsGYYfKwI3w6JBJ3D4I3aQmgrDB0O25JhQR8J9shTqMuYfeWSkkpmNi7nLY7H12HraNVLXGpaFQxI

Sometimes you need a pinch heal or a handy buff in a tight spot. Consumables enable characters to have temporary benefits without permanently investing in skills and equipment they don't want for their character. They are single use items that disappear from character inventory upon use. Common examples of consumables: Potions, Scrolls, Specific magic items.

Price of Consumable:
1. 7pts per grade of consumable
2. Same purchase price for each skill added to the consumable and then again for each upgrade of a skill.

1. Consumable may grant a single ability or a single skill.
2. Skills in consumable may not exceed grade of consumable.
3. Skills that require other skills may not be put into consumable without first adding the requisite skill.
4. Points spent in acquiring consumable are returned upon the effects of the consumable ending.
5. Points spent on consumables are considered [held] and may not be spent on other expenditures while in this state.
6. Character grade must be 1 higher than the grade of consumable to use.
  • Example:
    Potion of fire breathing D
    Magic D, Magic Range E, Magic aoe E, Magic duration E, Fire affinity F
    Price: 91pts
    Description: For an hour, the drinker of potion may spew a fire breath up to 30ft away in a fan shape that can cook a blast a 30ft area at range.

Effectiveness of consumables uses grade of consumable for the item grade, grade of ability for ability grade, appropriate stat of user for the stat grade.

Crafters capable of making consumables like potions and scrolls may produce them at a reduced rate with a 7pt deduction on the skills and skill upgrades put into the consumable. Trading consumables for points will result in a permanent purchase. Consumables gained in this way will not return points once consumed.
Posts : 21
Join date : 2024-04-23

Isekai Hell: Rules Empty Re: Isekai Hell: Rules

Thu May 02, 2024 9:34 pm
A common element of any fantasy world based Isekai is the inclusion of fantasy races. While the Lore thread that talks about the world and the starting kingdom will delve more into the races present in the world, I would like to make a post to cover how Races are handled in the system. Isekai's have allowed for a wide variety of races, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Our system does not set out to create a massive race list and attempt to balance the selection of one race over another with each other. Instead, we have chosen to allow people to make their own races and grow and develop them over time into more powerful races or more unique variants.

Isekai Hell: Rules 30-goblin-slayer-anime-screenshot

Race Trees
First choice you will make is deciding which racial tree your character is in. There are 4 racial trees:

Human Tree - all creatures in this tree are human or some sub-human. Ex: High Human, Aerial, Atlantian, some giants
  • Members of the human tree are the most numerous in the world. A very versatile and diverse set of races in the world.
  • There is a love/hate relationship between Beast Tree and Human Tree that keeps them inseparable but barely able to stand each other.
  • Thinks favorable of the Fae and their deep knowledge and powerful magic, which they long for
  • Constructs are there creation and given little thought aside from the purpose they were built for. Rarely considered sentient or worthy of respect given to sentient creatures.
  • Monsters are a blight upon the world that need to be wiped out. There are no exceptions.

Beast Tree - all creatures that are or were related to animals. Ex: lizards, dogs, gnolls, Lionels, Tabaxi, dragonborn
  • Second most numerous population in the world. They all generally excel in physical prowess and are sensory knowing.
  • Wish to be ally with humans who were friends and masters to them in times long gone, but humans do not view them as equal so there is always a contest between the two.
  • Wishing to dwell in balance with nature like the fae, they respect them and their ways.
  • Constructs are unnatural tools made by humans to replace what beasts had been called upon to do. There is a deep hatred for Constructs among the beastmen.
  • Monsters need destroyed without exception, but it is not uncommon to find distant or close relatives among the monsters from time to time that muddies the waters.

Fae Tree - all creatures infused with magic and relating to the fae or spirits of nature. Ex: dryads, elves, dwarves,
  • One short of being the least numerous, the fae are mostly long lived and creatures of dedication to a calling. Each with a role to play in life and centuries or more to dedicate themselves to it. Producing offspring is rare even if it weren't an afterthought.
  • Humans are a primitive blight upon the land dabbling in things they do not understand and burning themselves and the land around them in the process.
  • Beasts are a primitive tribe little better than the animals they ascend from. Their lesser talents with magic rank them lower than humans. While humans are children that need disciplined to be better or stop, beasts are the babies that can do little but make a mess of things and don't have the acumen to do better.
  • Constructs are unnatural contraptions born of mostly human ingenuity. They are little more than tools and stop gaps for lesser races. The mana at their cores is similar to that of fae spirits, so the fae give the constructs their sympathies but not their respect and view it much like one might view a totally capable and independent mind trapped in a body that refuses to cooperate with them like a mixture of oil and water.
  • Monsters are blights upon the land nearly equal to humans but surpassing them in that even humans know when to stop. All must be eradicated.

Monster Tree- all creatures considered hostile toward the members of the other trees. This is specifically for those who wish to play antagonist to the rest of the characters in the world. For those wishing to play 'good' monsters, one of the other trees is more appropriate.
  • diverse and numerous, while some monsters spawn from the void or other places of ill repute, some are what becomes of other racial tribes that are overcome by emotion or magical power.
  • Will Eat, Kill, Torture, Abuse, or Enslave any other race and in some cases other races of Monster.
  • Typically monsters are more likely to work together for selfish reasons as it pertains to overcoming the other races.
  • Will corrupt and repurpose constructs for darker ends if possible and more readily than the other races.
  • The 1st continent known as the Dark Continent is where most dwell. Those find on the 2nd continent are generally few in number and 'home grown'.

Construct Tree - all creatures that are created of materials and items rather than organics and are sentient/self aware. Ex: Golems sub-types, Sentient Weapons (non-cursed), Warforged
  • They come in all shapes and sizes and are the least numerous and newest of the races. All were created with a  purpose which they are most suited for.
  • Mostly humans make up the tribe they call Lord and Master. Many are created with a loyalty to their masters although some have deviated from their original design and purpose.
  • Beastmen are intelligent animals that wish to see them destroyed. That is all.
  • Fae or not well understood creatures of the metaphysical and supernatural. While there is an uncanny similarity and connection, it is distant and faded like a forgotten memory at the edge of remembering but never doing so.
  • All Monsters must be eradicated.

The tree you choose will determine the type of character you are running as well as what titles and some skills become available to them. While more explained in titles, you will have a free title available to your character based on the tree you choose. Once you claim a title for one of the trees, your character will be exclusively known as a member of that tree. You will then open up the ability to acquire additional titles within that tree as your character advances in prowess and abilities. If you wish to be a part of multiple trees at once, you must pay 7 points for a special Feature skill per additional tree.

Racial Evolution

Those wishing to use this feature should refer to the official race list.
Google Doc:
PDF: Available on request

As characters grow in power and ability, they eventually unlock other titles pertaining to their racial tree. Ex: human tree character acquires the skill that allows flight. Then must then participate in an rp with a goal of evolving. They then earn the title Aerial during grading. Equipping that title turns the character into an Aerial. In this way, everyone can slowly but surely achieve the race they want to play as with more powerful races being available as you climb the ladder.

Evolution Tiers

Mundane - covers character progression from grade F-D. Character is just starting out and hasn't focused on a particular direction yet. Skills are widespread and low grade.
Intermediate - covers character progression from grade C-A. Character has chosen a focus and has raised it to grade C or higher. A new form gains attention from all sides gaining new allies and adversaries.
Ascended - covers character reaching grade S at least once. Character has either been isolated from or intricately involved in societal affairs due to their new level of power. Very few can stand against you, but those who do match your power.

Variant Path (Isekai)
Native Path (World Canon)






Posts : 21
Join date : 2024-04-23

Isekai Hell: Rules Empty Re: Isekai Hell: Rules

Thu May 02, 2024 9:42 pm
Titles have been mentioned in a few posts now and at least one is required when creating your character. Here we will discuss what the titles are and how they will serve the rp. We will also list some of the more common ones and give instruction for how to request additional titles to be added to the list.

Isekai Hell: Rules Squirrelstothenuts

What are Titles?

Titles are meant to be descriptors added to your character that help the world and other characters know who and what you are and how they might interact with you. Your race is dictated by titles, so that will obviously influence your visual appearance as well as cultural background and how others perceive you. Aside from race, titles can be used to indicate your character's job/profession/role in the community/world. Titles like Expert Blacksmith and Seasoned Adventurer to name a couple. With these, the scenarios you are allowed to RP increases.

In the previous example, the Expert Blacksmith may be able to to participate in smithing guild meetings where prices are set, items and business are discussed, or be on the receiving end of boons from the king for blacksmiths willing to volunteer services to the kingdom specifically. Same for adventurers but as it relates to guild business and general adventuring. Titles define who the character is as well as acts as passports into various types of roleplay.

Aside from what you are and what you do, titles can also define moral character and societal standing. Criminals will inherit criminal titles. Nobility or those striving to become nobility may acquire noble titles that will elevate their position in society. A local hero of a town or the city may get a heroic title or ‘good guy greg’ type of title to further reinforce the character's moral fiber where NPCs may be more likely to call out to them for help. Criminals will obviously be more likely to be treated in the opposite with many shunning them or becoming outright hostile.

Criminal Titles

These titles are granted by rp graders/mods when the rp's are turned in or during rp if the rp is ran by one of the system's staff. The are given to characters that participate in the following behavior. Characters may receive additional copies of the same title for each separate instance warranting the earning of the title. A thief may earn the title several times over for one rp where they go on a stealing spree. Each additional acquisition raises the grade of the the criminal title. The grade indicates the amount of points necessary to spend to have the title removed. Each letter grade adds an additional 7 points to the buy off price. Criminals are generally not allowed to enter cities through their gates or ports. Criminals are not allowed to join any craft or adventuring guilds. Mercenary groups are still possible. Rogue/Assassin and other criminal guilds become possible. Discovered criminals are removed from any positions that prohibit criminal titles.
  • Murder - killing of any person who is not of the monster type and not possessing a criminal title
  • Abuser - willful harming of another person without their consent and they not in possession of a criminal title or monster title
  • Thief - taking possessions from another creature that is neither a criminal nor monster
  • Vandal - intentional damage to property owned by a non monster/non criminal without permission

Price to Buy Off Criminal Title
These points will count against character point cap like all earned points.
  • F-grade - 7 points
  • E-grade - 14 points
  • D-grade - 21 points
  • C-grade - 28 points
  • B-grade - 35 points
  • A-grade - 42 points
  • S-grade - 56 points

Isekai Hell: Rules Crime-anime

Good Person Titles?

On the opposite end of criminal titles, there are 'good' titles to reward characters that consistently perform 'good' behavior that does not involve criminal activity. Helping old ladies cross the street, protect towns from monster invasions. These are acts of good and kindness out of charity. They are not adventurer missions or requests with rewards. They are acts of true heroism. Rp graders are likely to grant 'good' titles to characters consistently displaying such activities in their rp. There are no lists or predetermined requirements. They are not things a character merely acquires like hitting achievements in a game list. Of the 'good' titles, one stands above them all and is pivotal to the setting: Hero.

Race Titles

One of the required equipped titles in the player skeleton, Race Titles are important for creating a foundation for roleplay for the character. The race title sets your character's race. The character's race is obviously tied to visual appearance, but also to cultural significance.
  • Example: An elf character will obviously be more likely to be allowed into elven villages. Areas where elves are persecuted will be more likely to harass the elf character. NPCs that like elves will think more highly of you and be more likely to treat you favorably. Similarly, a character with a lizardman type title would have the right to partake in a lizardman ritual that allows them to find a mate and/or grow wings.

Size Template
Some characters are bigger and smaller than your typical human. No problem. We have templates for that. If you want your character to be of a particular height/length, then be sure to set the following stats accordingly (add the title to your character sheet like the others if your character has earned it):

Tiny (Cost: 56)
  • Height: Under 2 feet tall/long
  • Weight: Under 8 pounds
  • Speed - B Grade (28) or higher
  • Precision - B Grade (28) or higher

Small (Cost: 28) - They can generally still function in a normal humanoid settlement but may need a stool or a running jump. They still prefer the wilderness settings, homes, and dwellings tailored to their size. More vulnerable to the world than most, their dwellings are also a lot more secluded or hidden when possible.
  • Height: 2 to 4 feet tall/long
  • Weight: 8 to 60 pounds
  • Speed - D Grade (14) or higher
  • Precision - D Grade (14) or higher

Large (Cost: 98) - These are creatures that are around 8 feet to 16 feet tall/long and weighing between 500lbs and 2 tons. They can generally squeeze into sturdy doorways and halls meant for smaller creatures with comedic effect but tend to prefer dwellings and wilderness that are more open. Smaller creature settings like hobbit and gnome holes are out of the question. Most mounts in the setting and giant creature variants would be at least this big.
  • Height: 8 to 16 feet tall/long
  • Weight: 500 to 4000 pounds (2 tons)
  • Strength - D Grade (14) or higher
  • Vitality - D Grade (14) or higher
  • Superstrength skill - E grade (28) or higher
  • Feature: Large skill - E grade (14) or higher. Grants character natural E grade heavy armor in equipment
  • Natural Weapons - E grade (28) or higher. A weapon listed in the equipment section of the character sheet.

Huge (Cost: 196)
  • Height: Over 16 feet tall/long
  • Weight: Over 4000 pounds (2 tons)
  • Strength - B Grade (28) or higher
  • Vitality - B Grade (28) or higher
  • Superstrength skill - C grade (56) or higher
  • Feature: Large skill - C grade (28) or higher. Grants character natural C grade heavy armor in equipment
  • Natural Weapons - C grade (56) or higher. A weapon listed in the equipment section of the character sheet.

Larger or Smaller - creatures that are permanently larger or smaller than the Small or Large Templates are possible but are generally discouraged due to the limitations they pose to the character in interacting with the world and other characters. Many such creatures are monsters relegated to their isolated sanctuaries. Either to be hunted with prejudice on sight or to be avoided at all costs. Some are just too fragile for the world beyond their hidden enclaves. Statistics to achieve size would be to continue the pattern of small or large. Ex: Huge Strength - B Grade or higher

Isekai Hell: Rules Seven-Deadly-Sins-Family

Society Titles
These titles are only accessible with a sufficiently ranked Connected Skill or a roleplay after achieving the titles specified requirements.

  • Baron - C-grade character and a roleplay to make or establish a connection with the noble class of a Kingdom - You are knighted and tasked with the defense of the kingdom. You answer to the rest of the nobility but you are the ruler of your domain.
  • Count - B-grade character and a roleplay to establish why your character is getting promoted - You are promoted by the king to a position more fitting of your abilities so that you may better serve the kingdom. Several Barons answer to you and you are more involved in court politics as the duke you answer to maneuvers for power.
  • Duke - A-grade character and a roleplay to establish why your character is getting promoted - The king recognizes your house name as one synonymous with the kingdom 2nd only to the royal family. You work with your peer duke houses to support the king's endeavors all while jockying for favor with the people and royal family.
  • King/Queen - S-grade character and a roleplay to establish how your character seized the throne - The royal family has died, abdicated the throne, or otherwise been relieved of their position. You are now the ruler of the kingdom. When you aren't watching your back for assassination attempts, you will chart the course for your nation.
  • [Faction Apprentice] - F-grade character and relevant skill if necessary - you are an entry level member of a faction. Law enforcement, Crafts guilds, Adventurer Guilds, Merchants Guilds, etc..
  • [Faction Member] - D-grade character and relevant skill if necessary - you are a full fledged member of faction and able to participate in the activities and perks of general membership.
  • [Senior Faction Member] - B-grade character and relevant skill if necessary - you are experienced and a reliable member of the guild. you are known and relied upon. The faction leader recognizes you. you play a role in charting the direction and activities of the faction and carrying them out.
  • [Faction Leader] - S-grade character, relevant skill, rp to establish how you became leader - you have control of the faction. The ceo of a merchant company. The guildmaster of adventurers. Etc...

Job Titles

  • [Weapon/Tool]

  • Apprentice - F-grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character is likely just starting on the path of the weapon's purpose. Swordsman, Carpenter, Lancer, etc..
  • Adept - D-grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character has concluded their training and has begun their journeyman phase of acquiring experience through work and/or travel.
  • Expert - C-grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character has been taught all they could learn and have overcome some hardship. They have started developing their own style.
  • Master - A-Grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character has mastered their weapon or tool. Their skill is unquestioned and whether they produce death or craft goods, their work is breathtaking.
  • Legendary - S-grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character has reached supernatural ability in weapon or tool use. Their works transcend what mortals could make. Like deities descended, they create death or craft goods like only a demigod might.
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