Isekai Hell
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Isekai Hell: Kingdom Empty Isekai Hell: Kingdom

Thu May 02, 2024 2:47 pm
Isekai Hell - Kingdom

The northern human country for this roleplay and likely one of the last visited countries due to its distance and dangerousness after Ryke. Has a medieval European theme and aesthetic. Any persons, places, things, or events of note may go here so long as it came from a graded roleplay that was deemed acceptable to add to canon for Kingdom. Each winter, the sea between the dark continent and Kingdom freezes enough to allow for monster hordes to pour out. Kingdom is the tip of the spear that blunts the advancing attack upon the 2nd continent. Led by nobles uniquely qualified to pilot massive mecha called Fullers, they lead the knights of Kingdom in a never ending battle. The new Queen is young, as all new kingdom rulers are, replacing her late father and king who dead in battle. She now pilots her father's Fuller. Aside from the nobles that take their duty seriously, there are others that still find the time to scheme. There are whispers the late king did not die in battle in the way all might believe. The nation is also regularly plagued by disease brought on by the mass amounts of mana and chaos that washes upon the nation's shores. Mana enough to twist the minds of men, send beasts into a rage, or taint the ground. A truly harsh place.

Country - Kingdom

The Kingdom of Rotia is a northern country characterized by cooler temperatures and a diverse topography, featuring a couple of significant lakes and major rivers. The landscape consists of vast forests, rolling hills, and fertile valleys, with the occasional rocky outcrop dotting the horizon. The northern reaches are cold or frozen and severely scarred by battle. The southern parts of the nation are barren and inhospitably arid.

Isekai Hell: Kingdom 1

Population - 2,700,000
Rotia has a population of 2.7 million, with the majority being humans, followed by beastmen as the second most common race. The inhabitants are hardy and resourceful, often relying on their resilience and adaptability to survive in a land frequently plagued by monster invasions. Most soldiers are not taken into the army before fathering at least one child. Most of the nation lives in stonewalled cities and towns. Villages are generally short-lived in Kingdom.

Capital - Hornbach
Hornbach is the bustling capital city of Rotia, strategically situated on a river between the sea and one of the major lakes. The city serves as the political and economic hub of the nation, with a well-fortified center and an impressive array of defensive structures. Hornbach is also the seat of the royal family and the central command for the nation's defense forces.

The Kingdom of Rotia's security relies on two main elements: Fullers and Black Orbs. Fullers are advanced mecha, piloted by noble operators, designed to combat the relentless waves of invading monsters. Black Orbs are magical items that reveal the presence of monsters and criminals. Monsters are destroyed with extreme prejudice, while criminals are enlisted to battle the monstrous forces, serving as expendable assets in the ongoing conflict.

Travel in Rotia is challenging due to the constant threat of monster invasions. Magic portals provide one option for fast and secure transportation, allowing people to traverse vast distances quickly. However, these portals are heavily guarded and can be costly to use. Travelers must also contend with the dangers of traversing monster-infested lands, making journeys outside of the cities risky endeavors.

  • Nobles: The aristocracy of Rotia, responsible for operating the powerful Fullers and leading the defense against the monster hordes. They play a crucial role in the nation's survival and the maintenance of order.

  • Merchants: This faction ensures that the war effort continues uninterrupted, managing the distribution of supplies and resources to keep the nation running smoothly in the face of adversity.

  • Church: The church is responsible for maintaining the morale of the people and training generations of monster slayers skilled in divine magics. They offer spiritual guidance and solace during these challenging times.

  • Adventurer's Guild: Primarily focused on dealing with monster threats and criminal elements in the countryside that evade the nation's army, the Adventurer's Guild plays a vital role in maintaining stability throughout Rotia.

Religion - Valcorism
The predominant religion in Rotia, Valcorism, centers around the worship of divine beings known as the Valcori. These celestial guardians are revered for their role in protecting humanity and guiding them in their struggle against the monstrous forces that threaten their existence.

The Valcori are a pantheon of divine beings, each embodying specific aspects and virtues that the people of Rotia hold dear. A few notable Valcori include:

  • Ranthor, the Protector: Ranthor is the chief deity among the Valcori and the embodiment of courage, strength, and protection. He is often depicted as a mighty warrior, clad in gleaming armor and wielding a powerful, radiant sword. Ranthor leads the Valcori in their eternal battle against the monstrous forces, ensuring the safety of the mortal realm.

  • Sylithia, the Healer: Sylithia is the goddess of healing, compassion, and restoration. She is seen as a benevolent figure who mends the wounds of the injured and the hearts of the broken. Her followers include healers and medical practitioners who invoke her blessings to aid in their work.

  • Varek, the Tactician: Varek is the god of strategy, wisdom, and cunning. He represents the importance of cleverness and resourcefulness in overcoming adversity. Varek is often portrayed as a master strategist, providing guidance to leaders and tacticians in their efforts to outmaneuver their monstrous foes.

  • Elara, the Lightbringer: Elara is the goddess of hope, perseverance, and inner strength. She serves as a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding the people of Rotia through their most challenging times. Her followers find solace in her teachings, which emphasize resilience and the power of the human spirit.

Valcorism is a religion that unites the people of Rotia in their shared struggle against the monstrous threats that plague their land. Its divine beings offer strength, guidance, and comfort to the people, giving them hope in the face of overwhelming odds.

Rotia's economy is centered around supporting the ongoing war effort against the invading monsters. The nation allocates substantial resources to maintain its defenses and supply the frontlines with food, weapons, and other necessities. Despite the hardships, Rotia's economy remains stable, as the populace is united in their determination to protect their homeland. Trade and industry are focused on sustaining the military and defensive efforts, with a strong emphasis on self-sufficiency and resource management.
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